Yes, it says chainmail. You might be asking yourself what happened to the weaving. As far as I'm concerned, chainmail is a variation of weaving and my thesis was on ''innovative INTERPRETATIONS of the weaving technique in contemporary jewellery design''.. Lets get started
I couldn't just make a chainmail ring that stands on its own because it would just flop all over the place so I decided to make a skeleton for the chainmail to be supported by. This required a 3mm thick bar of silver which I bent into an "n" shape and the other I made a huge jump ring which I soldered round.
I manufactured the skeleton by soldering the components together.
To make chainmail you need multiple jump rings. The materials I used were silver and copper.
After linking the jump rings together, the result starts to look like this (this is a very time consuming process.)
After I linked every jump ring to one another, the result was very impressive, and yes, I do say so myself.
The professionally photographed piece